National strategy for emissions and deforestation passed

Islamabad: The National Strategy for the reduction of emissions and forest degradation was passed on 16th May 2018 by the Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) office, according to a news report. This strategy was finalised during a consultative workshop involving officials from National REDD+ Office, forest departments of all federating units, forestry experts, academia, civil society, and other such relevant people.
The strategy has been formulated by Indufor of Finland in partnership with CHIP Training & Consulting of Pakistan.  After a consultative process spanning over a year across the country, along with diverse stakeholders from all provinces this strategy was formulated. It aims at reducing emissions of Greenhouse effect gases (GHGs), caused from the degradation and deforestation. The strategy also proposes methods for sustainable forest management.

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